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Find Radius and Center by Circle General Equation (METHOD 2)

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How to find Center and Radius of a Circle from its General Equation (METHOD 2)

Click here for METHOD 1

EXAMPLE: Find center and radius of the circle with equation

x² + y² – 8x + 2y + 8 = 0


A detailed step-by-step solved example on how to find the Radius and Center of a Circle if General Equation of that circle is given.


Convert the general equation of given circle to standard equation of that circle. Then read the center and radius from that equation.

(Here I am using the technique of completing the square.)

x² + y² – 8x + 2y + 8 = 0       (given)

Step 1: If the squared terms have any co-efficient other than 1 then divide the whole equation by that co-efficient.

Here in the given equation, the co-efficient of x² and y² is 1, so we will skip this step.

Step 2: Group the x-terms, group the y-terms, and take the constant to the right side

x² + y² – 8x + 2y + 8 = 0             (given)

(x² – 8x) + (y² + 2y) = – 8  ———— (1)  

Step 3: Divide the co-efficient of the first-degree term by 2 and square it.

In (x² – 8x),

8x is first-degree term. 8 is co-efficient of x. 

÷ 2 = 4

4² = 16.

In (y² + 2y),

2y is first-degree term. 2 is co-efficient of y.

÷ 2 = 1

1² = 1.

Step 4: Add these constants within parentheses respectively, to complete the square, and add the same constants to the right side to maintain equality.

(x² – 8x) + (y² + 2y) = – 8  ———— (1)

(x² – 8x + 16) + (y² + 2y + 1) = – 8 + 16 + 1 

(x² – 8x + 16) + (y² + 2y + 1) = 9 ———- (2)

Step 5:

As we know the formulae,

a² – 2ab + b² = (a – b)²

a² + 2ab + b² = (a + b)²

Apply these formulae

x² – 8x + 16 = x² – 2(4)x + 4² 

= (x – 4)² 

y² + 2y + 1 = y² – 2y + 1² 

= (y + 1)²

So, equation (2) reduces to

(x – 4)² + (y + 1)² = 9 

(x – 4)² + {y – (-1)}² = 9 —————-(3)

This is the Standard Equation of given circle.

Step 6:

We know,

standard equation of a circle is:

(x – h)² + (y – k)² = r² ————- (4)

where (h, k) is center of a circle and r is the radius.

Compare equation (3) and equation (4), 

A detailed step-by-step solved example on how to find the Radius and Center of a Circle if General Equation of that circle is given.

we get

h = 4

k = -1

r² = 9 implies r = 3

Hence, a circle with equation

x² + y² – 8x + 2y + 8 = 0

has center at (4, -1) and radius 3.


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